There is more to the conventional primary function of bookmarks
I suppose you have used bookmarks or using one at the moment. The primary function of bookmarks is to keep track of your progress so far. That's it, isn't it? Let me ask you a question. How many books did you start reading thinking of entirely reading it but couldn't finish? Many rights? The market is flooded with beautiful bookmarks, even those that pop out of the book to help you quickly gaze into your previous favorite pages.
Many beautiful bookmarks to choose from, but barely solves the problem, they might help you look into the past but don't insures a fruitful future.
Well, I have a solution to that problem.
Problem: Can't finish the entire book. Solution: Drive behavioral change using bookmarks that help the reader to read the entire book.
Concept: A set of 5 bookmarks that's in series, which function as milestones and motivate the reader to read the entire book. Design: The design is inspired by the Rabari craft, with the camel as its central theme, where a person has to read to the top of the hill to further find his way and he has his camel to accompany him. Throughout this series of bookmarks, each bookmark shows the journey of the traveler and the different theme and moods, along with captions that address the reader's journey as well and makes affirmations to motivate the reader to continue reading.
Captions :
It could be the start of something great.
Great going so far. I'm loving it.
Oh! I found it, I'm almost there.
I came a long way, a little more to go.
A beautiful end awaits...
Instructions for use: Take a new book and take the 5 bookmarks, divide the book into 5 sections and insert the bookmarks in those 5 sections, in a series. And there you go. Once you start reading, you'll find each bookmark along the way that addresses your emotional journey throughout the book and motivates you to keep reading. That's no magic, that's behavioral science called progressive disclosure. - Need to discuss any project. Hit me up.